Job update: still looking. But my current job (the one I lose at the end of the month) is letting me work more hours for the rest of the month, which is nice. Another few hundred bucks never hurts.
I picked up my gown and my graduation tickets yesterday; May 21st is the big day. I'd be more excited if the job search and the bar weren't hanging over my head, but I'm still looking forward to it.
Still, my last final exam of law school is behind me, my bar application is signed, notarized, attached to a hefty check, and mailed, and you know what that means: time to study for the bar! Hooray! Yesterday, I spent some time going through the 2005 Barbri material I have and finalizing my study plan, but today I plan to put in a good 3 hours plus of studying.
My plan is to study 6 days a week, with a 7th as a free day. The 6th day will be a review of the review, so to speak- going over the week's material again and doing practice essays. The other 5 days will consist of about 3-4 hours of study (including breaks), including substantive law and practice MBE questions. I've broken down the subjects that will be tested and allotted 4-6 days per (depending on how well I remember the testable material and how much I'll have to learn or relearn in the subject). Running that through the end of July, then I'll take a week to do a blitz review of everything and practice, practice, practice. Finally, I have some cushion space so I can afford to add another day for subjects if I think I need to (I might need more time than I budgeted for civil procedure, for example). Then final review, and a completely study-free de-stressing day before the bar exam itself.
It's easy to feel overwhelmed by the amount of material (and I often do) but I have a plan and I think this will be doable...I just have to have the discipline to follow the schedule. So in about an hour I head home. After a shower and a bite to eat, my plan is:
10 minutes meditation and planning
1 hour substantive contracts study
5 minute break
1 hour substantive contracts study
5 minute break
1 hour for 17 contracts MBE questions, including time to go over the answers and review the principles I didn't remember
Wish me luck...