One law student's quest to beat the exam without bar review.

Friday, June 23, 2006

I am feeling more sane today

I'm in a generally better state of mind today, and I forced myself to get up at a reasonable hour and start studying. Which is excellent. I have to keep reminding myself to take it one day at a time, and focus on the simple goals: get up, get at least half the studying done before work, do some practice, do some substantive. Set daily and hourly goals and stick to them, that is the key to success.

Also I scored 19/34 (55%) on practice MBEs today, which makes me feel better. Quite possibly yesterday was a fluke. Although according to my performance, I need to go back and study contracts harder. I gave myself 4 days for professional responsibility, but I really don't need that long, I got through the material very fast. So now I have extra time for practice.


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